Rest and self care can be just as hard as work.
Many of us work very hard, but the mental and emotional stress of life also takes a lot of energy.
If we don’t prioritize taking good care of our bodies and minds, we start to break down and don’t have anything left to give to the world.
I’ve experienced this much more intensely over the last few years.
It’s not easy for me to take a break. Even if my body is still, my mind is running and I have knots in my stomach.
A sinking feeling that I’m behind on everything, totally alone and the world is crumbling around me.
Sound dramatic? You betcha. 🙄
One thing I’m learning is that even when deadlines have passed and unread messages are piling up, ruminating does no good.
The answer is usually to plan how I’ll get the essentials done, including some R&R.
I’ve gotten better at rest and recovery thanks to the people in my life, especially my partner.
It takes practice and support to learn how to care for ourselves.
Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for taking care of yourself.
Especially that annoying little voice in your head.